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COMSNETS 2010 - Demos and Exhibits

COMSNETS 2010 - The first International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) http://www.comsnets.org , Bangalore, India, January 6-10 2010.

THE SECOND International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) is being held in Bangalore, India from 6 January 2010 to 10 January 2010. COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing emerging topics and challenges in Networking and Communications Systems. COMSNETS 2010 features a "Demos and Exhibits" session designed to allow industry and researchers to showcase their latest industrial applications and research prototypes in all communications and networking related topics. Demo sessions will be held in the centrally located Esquire Hall over two days, to ensure maximum visibility and favor a close interaction between presenters and participants. Demo proposals cover a variety of different topics including innovative technologies, platforms, analysis tools and applications related to (but not limited to) wireless communications, emerging markets, vehicular communications, network security, and mobile platforms. Information pertaining to the demonstrations will be included on the COMSNETS Conference CD-ROM and be published as part of the digital library update sent to all IEEE Communications Society members with an ISBN. Please see the table below for a list of Demos and participating organizations.

COMSNETS will feature a demo session designed to allow industry and researchers to showcase their latest industrial applications and research prototypes in all communications, networking and middleware related topics. The poster and demo sessions will be co-located over two days to ensure maximum visibility and favor a close interaction between presenters and participants. Demo proposals covering innovative technologies, platforms, analysis tools and applications related to (but not limited to) network security, vehicular communications, mobile platforms are encouraged. Submissions describing both mature or innovative systems and prototypes developed for commercial use or for research purposes, from industries or universities, are encouraged. The submitted demo proposal should include in a maximum of 2 pages in double column format: 1. Title, authors and contact information. 2. Technical content to be demonstrated. 3. An overview of the demonstration set-up (the inclusion of photographs of the demonstrator are encouraged) and the results that will be shown to attendees. 4. Any URLs that link to screen-shots, live demos, or related information 5. Equipment or facilities required for the system demonstration (e.g., power supplies, Internet connections, table dimensions, etc) Demonstrations could be supported by a poster describing the general set-up of the demonstration, its background and technical content to be demonstrated.

Demo participants interested to use a poster should clearly indicate it in the proposal while describing the required equipment. Interested participants should submit electronically (in word or pdf format) a demo proposal to Gulzar Azad and Rahul Mangharam Please note that for every accepted demonstration, it is required that at least one person registers for the conference and presents the demo. However, no additional paper charge is due from existing authors (having already registered for the conference). Demonstrations will be selected based on their novelty, technical quality, and attractiveness of the demonstrated system. Accepted demonstrations will not be included in Xplore, but will be included on the COMSNETS Conference CD-ROM and be published as part of the digital library update sent to all IEEE Communications Society members, which has an ISBN.

Demos/Exhibit Chairs:

  • Gulzar Azad, Google, Bangalore
  • Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania, USA


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