The presentation schedule is available here.
The COMSNETS 2011 PhD student forum is an event where the presenters will exclusively be PhD students, as the event name suggests. The goals of this event are:
- To enable PhD students to get quality feedback on their ongoing work, from the conference participants.
- To enable interaction among PhD students, and between PhD students and potential employers!
Thus PhD students as well as potential employers stand to gain from this forum.
Event Structure
The event will be structured as a series of 12-15 minute presentations (strictly timed!). Depending on the participation, we may have two parallel tracks. There will be a best student presentation award.
Students selected for participation will be expected to go through a feedback-based revision process for their presentation, prior to the conference. This is to have improved quality as well as better control over time at the conference session.
Conference Attendance Support
The PhD student participants selected for this forum will automatically be eligible for conference attendance support. This will be in terms of a travel grant and substantial registration fee support.
How to do Quality Research?
Organised as a part of WISARD 2011
Wednesday, 05 January, 2:00 - 4:00 PM - Sigma Hall 2 & 3.
Here are the slides of Prof. Bhaskar Raman's talk on how to do Quality Research.
This will be an interactive-tutorial session meant especially for PhD/MTech students, or anyone interested in good research. The topics to be presented/discussed will be:
- How to read a paper?
- How to write a quality paper/report?
- How to make a good presentation?
- How to review a paper?
We will also have a talk on "Time management", by Prof. Anurag Kumar (IISc).
Here are the slides of Prof. Anurag Kumar's talk on "Time Management for the Young Researcher".
Schedule of Presentations
Track 1 - Sigma Hall 1
Chair: Prof. Bhaskaran Raman, IIT Bombay
- Novel Prediction Repositioning Method in Wireless Sensor Networks
Parisa D. Hossein Zadeh (University of Alberta, Canada)
Hossein Beikzadeh (University of Alberta, Canada) - Active Intrusion Detection System: Detecting Special Class of Attacks
Neminath Hubballi (IIT Guwahati, India) - Energy-Efficient Greedy Forwarding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Bighnaraj Panigrahi (IIT Delhi, India) - Self-healing in Correlation based Autonomic Computing Systems
HP Raghunandan (Pune University, India)
Smita Bedekar (Pune University, India) - Design Framework of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol (E2RP) for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
Getsy S Sara (Anna University, India) - Feedback, design of transport protocols and router architecture
Shankar Raman (IIT Madras, India)
Track 2 - Sigma Hall 2
Chair: Dr. Vikram Srinivasan, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
- Analytical Models for Wireless Coverage
Prateek Kapadia (TICET, IIT Bombay, India) - A Distributed Open Software Router: Architecture and Implementation
Azeem Khan (IIT Bombay, India)
D Manjunath (IIT Bombay, India)
A Sahoo (IIT Bombay, India) - Developing low cost localization solution for Mobile Phones in Developing Countries
Kuldeep Yadav (IIIT-Delhi, India) - Rural Wireless Deployment: A Performance Analysis Perspective
Punit Rathod (IIT Bombay, India) - Defending against DoS and DDoS Attacks
Brij Bhooshan Gupta (IIT Roorkee, India)
Important Dates
Submission date: 15 October 2010Notification date: 26 November 2010
What to Submit
Students have to submit two things:
- A 15-minute presentation, as they would be presenting at the conference if their submission is selected. This presentation should include:
- The PhD problem motivation and problem statement
- A crisp view of related work (i.e. why the problem is still unsolved)
- An overview of the technical contributions thus far, including the main results and their implications
- A 2-page extended abstract to help the reader understand the above slides. This abstract may refer to figures, tables, or graphs in the presentation slides.
The topics of interest for this forum are the same as for the main COMSNETS-2011 conference.
Clarification: Since there is no publication involved with this event, students can submit already completed/published work, or even work currently under submission elsewhere (including COMSNETS-2011).
How to Submit
- The slides as well as the two-page abstract must be in PDF format. If it is in any other format, you will have to first convert it to PDF format before submitting.
- The submission site is: http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/synerg/comsnets2011-phd-forum/.
- Note that for each submission, you've to upload two things: the
slides and the two-page abstract.
- The preferred method of doing this is to merge the two
PDFs into a single PDF. For instance, you can use the
UNIX program "gs" to do this:
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf
You may of course use any other equivalent mechanism to merge the two PDFs. - If you cannot do the above, submit the two PDFs as two different submissions, but with the same exact title.
- The preferred method of doing this is to merge the two
PDFs into a single PDF. For instance, you can use the
UNIX program "gs" to do this:
- In case of any issues, please contact comsnets2011.phd.forum AT gmail.com.
Evaluation Committee
The students' submissions will be evaluated by the following technical program committee.
- Vinayak Naik , IIIT-Delhi
- Bhaskaran Raman , Dept. of CSE, IIT Bombay (Chair)
- Vinay Ribiero , Dept. of CSE, IIT Delhi
- Vikram Srinivasan , Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
If you have any queries, please contact the PhD Forum Chair, Bhaskaran Raman at "username: br" @ "domain: cse.iitb.ac.in".